Apr 30, 2012
PKRA 2012 Mexico - Freestyle Focus: Alberto Rondina & Seb Garat
Focus on Alberto Rondina and Sebastien Garat during the PKRA 2012 in Mexico, Playa del Carmen.
Apr 25, 2012
KSP Annual General Meeting 2012
The KSP announces its 2012 Annual General Meeting to be held on May 28 at the Muchaxo Hotel at Guincho Beach/Cascais, Portugal.
With many of the KSP riders, crew and board members already present to prepare for the Cascais Kite Surf Pro, taking place from June 1-10, 2011, the KSP hopes to have as many of them as possible in attendance for the associations first AGM. Portugal’s central location will also make it possible for the greatest number of KSP industry members to have the chance to join.
With many of the KSP riders, crew and board members already present to prepare for the Cascais Kite Surf Pro, taking place from June 1-10, 2011, the KSP hopes to have as many of them as possible in attendance for the associations first AGM. Portugal’s central location will also make it possible for the greatest number of KSP industry members to have the chance to join.
KSP President Kristin Boese says: “It is important for us to hold our 2012 AGM before the start of the season so that we can reflect on our inaugural year and discuss things to come. We would like as many riders, industry members and partners as possible to join and it simply seems like Portugal will be the best opportunity to bring everyone together.”
The KSP invites all riders, partners, industry members, event organizers and the public to join the meeting, which is scheduled to start at 10am on May 28, 2012 at Muchaxo Hotel, Guincho Beach/Cascais and is expected to take approximately 2 hours.
The provisionary agenda for the first KSP AGM will include:
Opening of the Meeting
Presentation of Annual Report
Presentation of Accounts
2012 Goals and Visions
Any other business
Future KSP Meetings
Opening of the Meeting
Presentation of Annual Report
Presentation of Accounts
2012 Goals and Visions
Any other business
Future KSP Meetings
The KSP is excited about its first AGM in which it will present the 2011 annual and financial reports and discuss the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.
Apr 24, 2012
Naish Kiteboarding TV S02E03: INDO DREAMS
Last Fall, Jalou Langeree escaped the dark waters of Holland and found a paradise of warmth and waves in Indonesia. After getting the bug of riding in the surf while training in South Africa, she hung up her twin tip to explore the untold possibilities in the Land of Lefts.
CORE Ripper Waveboard
CORE Boards have been spotted around the world over the last couple of months. The team was given the go ahead, after the last extreme test on Maui, to implement the all-in-one concept under the CORE Brand. The Ripper was co-developed by the CARVED team and Bernie Hiss personally. The Ripper rips every wave. Everywhere.
In choppy waves or glassy reef waves, big and small: the Ripper is at home in all wave riding conditions. It allows for powder-like turns – precise and with a lot of pressure on the rail. For aggressive riding or in beach break surf the Ripper is best with straps and a front grip pad. Strapless, with only wax under your feet, allows for the most surf like feeling. To develop this diversity in a board the Ripper shape was developed by the CORE and CARVED team riders in both the best waves on the planet as well as the choppy seas of the North and Baltic Seas.
» Robust Sandwich Construction
The design combines an uncompromising ride experience with robustness. The Ripper is manufactured in a sandwich design to not only withstand high pressure on the water itself but also any rough treatment whilst being transported on a plane. For increased impact strength, the Ripper is encased in a tough, outer layer of PVC. The core is made of light-weight performance foam which is surrounded by several layers of glass. This provides the Ripper with a uniquely good ride experience.
» Only the best accessories
We incorporated a high-quality FCS fin system thruster set-up in the Ripper. This has two advantages: the typical surf feeling and should your fins make some unwanted contact with a reef, spare parts are available in almost every surf shop in the world. The straps are up there with the best of them: "DaKine" straps give you accurate grip whilst maintaining the free surfing feeling.
» More than 30 years board manufacturing experience
The Ripper is backed by the CORE and CARVED teams and Bernie Hiss. 10 years of custom board manufacturing experience, from CARVED, and over 30 years board manufacturing experience flow into the production of a high-end series board.
Available sizes:
- 5´8´´
- 5´10´´
- 6´0´´
- 6´2´
In choppy waves or glassy reef waves, big and small: the Ripper is at home in all wave riding conditions. It allows for powder-like turns – precise and with a lot of pressure on the rail. For aggressive riding or in beach break surf the Ripper is best with straps and a front grip pad. Strapless, with only wax under your feet, allows for the most surf like feeling. To develop this diversity in a board the Ripper shape was developed by the CORE and CARVED team riders in both the best waves on the planet as well as the choppy seas of the North and Baltic Seas.
» Robust Sandwich Construction
The design combines an uncompromising ride experience with robustness. The Ripper is manufactured in a sandwich design to not only withstand high pressure on the water itself but also any rough treatment whilst being transported on a plane. For increased impact strength, the Ripper is encased in a tough, outer layer of PVC. The core is made of light-weight performance foam which is surrounded by several layers of glass. This provides the Ripper with a uniquely good ride experience.
» Only the best accessories
We incorporated a high-quality FCS fin system thruster set-up in the Ripper. This has two advantages: the typical surf feeling and should your fins make some unwanted contact with a reef, spare parts are available in almost every surf shop in the world. The straps are up there with the best of them: "DaKine" straps give you accurate grip whilst maintaining the free surfing feeling.
» More than 30 years board manufacturing experience
The Ripper is backed by the CORE and CARVED teams and Bernie Hiss. 10 years of custom board manufacturing experience, from CARVED, and over 30 years board manufacturing experience flow into the production of a high-end series board.
Available sizes:
- 5´8´´
- 5´10´´
- 6´0´´
- 6´2´
Apr 23, 2012
Favorite Things, Kiting in Jupiter
Jon Modica and Matt Collins on a South East day at Kite beach in Jupiter.
Apr 22, 2012
Kiteboarding PERU 2012 by Tom Court
In this video, I spend two weeks traveling out to Peru and kiting up and down the coast. Starting at a spot called Paracas about 250km south of Lima and heading up northwards for about 1000km to a wave spot called Pacasmayo. It was a great experience to see a new country, meet new people and get the chance to explore and kite on some of the amazing spots that Peru has to offer...what an amazing country!!
Apr 20, 2012
ISAF: 2016 Kiteboarding Format Evaluation Report Released
Following the 2016 Kiteboarding Format Evaluations in Santander, Spain from 21-25 March, ISAF has released two reports.
Kiteboarding Evaluation Report
Kiteboarding Technical Report
The reports and recommendations will now go forward to the Equipment Committee and Events Committee at the 2012 ISAF Mid-Year Meeting in Stresa, Italy from 3-6 May. The ISAF Council will make the final decision taking into consideration any recommendation from the Committees.
Kiteboarding Technical Report
The reports and recommendations will now go forward to the Equipment Committee and Events Committee at the 2012 ISAF Mid-Year Meeting in Stresa, Italy from 3-6 May. The ISAF Council will make the final decision taking into consideration any recommendation from the Committees.
Remember This: STORMSJEES
A wonderfull day on the 3rd of september 2009 in Holland.
Conditions: Sun, rain and thunder, and mostly Storm.
Me and Ruben Len10 started doing a Stormsjees 3 tour along the coast of Holland out of the blue. First spot was Wijk aan Zee, for a real hard trashing on Ruben, then off to Scheveningen to get some more.
So enjoy the 3rd installment of the Stormsjees series Starring Ruben LEN10 doing his thing he likes most and does best!
Conditions: Sun, rain and thunder, and mostly Storm.
Me and Ruben Len10 started doing a Stormsjees 3 tour along the coast of Holland out of the blue. First spot was Wijk aan Zee, for a real hard trashing on Ruben, then off to Scheveningen to get some more.
So enjoy the 3rd installment of the Stormsjees series Starring Ruben LEN10 doing his thing he likes most and does best!
Apr 19, 2012
Are Boots Better?
Airush International sat down with Alex Pastor (AP) and Bruna Kajiya (BK) to talk about riding in boots under the new PKRA judging format. They share their tricks and tips for other riders looking into riding boots as well as the first stop of the PKRA World Tour.
What are the positives and negatives to the new judging?
AP – All I can see is positives. Don’t really see any negative things. I really like the fact that only our best tricks are the ones scored. It does a lot more justice to each rider’s actual riding level. I also really like that I can be more relaxed whilst competing and I can focus better on every single trick. You have a limited number of attempts, so you really have to make them count.
How did you feel after winning the single elimination?
AP – I felt really good. I had a really good heat, had my best ever blind 315 and it gave me the highest score of the whole tournament! I was also really stoked on most of my trick’s performance. From that moment I felt that I have chances for this year’s title.
AP – I felt really good. I had a really good heat, had my best ever blind 315 and it gave me the highest score of the whole tournament! I was also really stoked on most of my trick’s performance. From that moment I felt that I have chances for this year’s title.
You were ahead by 5 points at the single elimination final, what was your routine during this?
AP – Not sure if I will remember all of them but I think I landed an Front Blind Mobe, Mobe 540, Nose grab S-mobe 540, Tail grab KGB, backside 315, Double S-bend 180, and I think I also landed a switch S-mobe 540 or a frontside 315.
AP – Not sure if I will remember all of them but I think I landed an Front Blind Mobe, Mobe 540, Nose grab S-mobe 540, Tail grab KGB, backside 315, Double S-bend 180, and I think I also landed a switch S-mobe 540 or a frontside 315.
There was several riders during the event using boots. Do you feel that some were inspired to start riding them after seeing your win in New Caledonia in 2011?
AP – It’s hard to know if I inspired them. But after I won in New Cal a lot of people saw that it is possible to win an event in boots, so everyone that wanted to give it a try and were afraid that riding boots could go against them probably became more confident that they can help your riding even in competition.
AP – It’s hard to know if I inspired them. But after I won in New Cal a lot of people saw that it is possible to win an event in boots, so everyone that wanted to give it a try and were afraid that riding boots could go against them probably became more confident that they can help your riding even in competition.
There were comments that the wind dropped in the double elimination final. Is this the draw back to riding in boots?
AP – Yes, for me that would be the only disadvantage of riding boots. You need a little bit more power than in straps, and in extremely light wind competitions, they can make you loose a bit of power. I think the problem is in running heats when the wind is not suitable for the riders to perform with enough power.
A very tight score of .3 dropped you down to second place. Looking back on it would there be anything you would do differently?
AP – Yes I have looked back indeed. Normally I start with a Nose grab S-mobe 540. On that heat I didn’t grab because I thought that I wouldn’t have time because of the lack of power. That little detail would have given me the the win. But I think I shouldn’t think too much about the things I could have done and didn’t do and think on what I will need to do on the next comp.
AP – Yes I have looked back indeed. Normally I start with a Nose grab S-mobe 540. On that heat I didn’t grab because I thought that I wouldn’t have time because of the lack of power. That little detail would have given me the the win. But I think I shouldn’t think too much about the things I could have done and didn’t do and think on what I will need to do on the next comp.
For other boot riders out there riding in light conditions, what do you suggest them using or working on to stay up wind and get the most power out of their riding?
AP – Probably use a bit longer lines and a board with not that much rocker, because that will make you loose a lot of power. There are some wakestyle boards out there with even more rocker than wakeboards. That is definitely not necessary, it will make you ride a lot slower and it won’t work unless you are completely lit.
AP – Probably use a bit longer lines and a board with not that much rocker, because that will make you loose a lot of power. There are some wakestyle boards out there with even more rocker than wakeboards. That is definitely not necessary, it will make you ride a lot slower and it won’t work unless you are completely lit.
France is coming up, a lot windier than Morocco. What are your feelings and how are you preparing for this event?
AP – France is one of those events that anything can happen. Wind conditions can be extremely difficult and the temperatures are forecasted pretty low. I hope I can deal good with the conditions and try to win this one!
AP – France is one of those events that anything can happen. Wind conditions can be extremely difficult and the temperatures are forecasted pretty low. I hope I can deal good with the conditions and try to win this one!
How does Morocco compare to the other event sites? BK – Morroco is a unique location since it’s on the middle of the Sahara desert, it’s such a perfect spot for riding that almost looks like a mirage, sand, sun and flat water. It’s also really quiet and away from everything, that helps me concentrate and only focus on the competition itself. Next year apart from the unique location this event promises to have an increase of 50% on prize money, which will make it one of a kind!
How was your heats through the singles and doubles?
BK – I’m really happy with my heats on this first event, on the singles I had a tough one against Karolina Winkowska on the semi-finals then competed with Asia Litwin (fellow Airush team rider) for the first place. In that heat I landed some really good tricks which left me feeling good for the doubles. Because of light winds we only managed to start up the finals for the double elimination on the very last day of competition, twice my heat with Karolina was canceled due to light winds, it was quite a stressful day but in the end it all worked out and I kept my 1st position.
BK – I’m really happy with my heats on this first event, on the singles I had a tough one against Karolina Winkowska on the semi-finals then competed with Asia Litwin (fellow Airush team rider) for the first place. In that heat I landed some really good tricks which left me feeling good for the doubles. Because of light winds we only managed to start up the finals for the double elimination on the very last day of competition, twice my heat with Karolina was canceled due to light winds, it was quite a stressful day but in the end it all worked out and I kept my 1st position.
What were your advantages when entering each heat?
BK – I focused on doing big tricks, with grabs and power. These get high scores leaving me in a good position in the heats.
BK – I focused on doing big tricks, with grabs and power. These get high scores leaving me in a good position in the heats.
We hear that boots are a bit difficult to ride in lighter winds, was this a problem for you? If so how did you over come it?
BK – It’s slightly hard, the boots being heavier then straps doesn’t help when doing tricks with light winds. Luckily my 135 FS Team is super light, the lightest I’ve ever seen. That made it possible for me to keep the boots and ride in light winds.
BK – It’s slightly hard, the boots being heavier then straps doesn’t help when doing tricks with light winds. Luckily my 135 FS Team is super light, the lightest I’ve ever seen. That made it possible for me to keep the boots and ride in light winds.
The new format is proving to work well and riders seem to like it. What are your thought on it?
BK – I think this is the way forward for the sport, it makes freestyle easier to understand for the audience, you can constantly know who is leading the heat, it’s a better format for the live feed which is something we investing on and most important benefit is the quality over quantity, by only scoring the very best 7 tricks you encourage the riders to focus on the big tricks instead of trying to do as many as possible but with bad execution.
BK – I think this is the way forward for the sport, it makes freestyle easier to understand for the audience, you can constantly know who is leading the heat, it’s a better format for the live feed which is something we investing on and most important benefit is the quality over quantity, by only scoring the very best 7 tricks you encourage the riders to focus on the big tricks instead of trying to do as many as possible but with bad execution.
What tricks do you plan out for your heats? Will you be changing this up for next event?
BK – My big tricks during a heat are the 315, grab Smobe, depending where the events take place I have to adjust the heats according to the conditions. For the next event in France I know I won’t be landing the same tricks as I was in Dakhla. With 40knots wind and 8 degrees landing good tricks becomes quite a mission.
BK – My big tricks during a heat are the 315, grab Smobe, depending where the events take place I have to adjust the heats according to the conditions. For the next event in France I know I won’t be landing the same tricks as I was in Dakhla. With 40knots wind and 8 degrees landing good tricks becomes quite a mission.
Apr 18, 2012
Switch's Marc Jacobs around the Bay of Plenty
Some shots of Switch's Marc Jacobs I've taken out and about, at the Bay of plenty.
Apr 17, 2012
Wainman Hawaii just dropped these images of their new surfboards for 2012, shaped once more by Sean Ordonez there are 3 boards in the line up, the Magnum, a classic surf thruster with a timeless shape that will work in most conditions and excel when it’s big, side shore and all time! The Gambler, a more modern design that is made to rip medium to small surf and make those average days into amazing ones. Lastly the Passport, which again is a more fun orientated machine for smaller days, this shape though is designed to be ridden with smaller kites and is a stepping stone for riders looking to get into the waves, it’s easy to ride nature lending it well to those first steps on a surfboard.
The Magnum 5'7"
The Magnum 6'0"
The Passport 5'8"
The Gambler 5'7"
.. when I met this Cauipe youngster I realised that he had no kite, no board... only an old harness... for 45 minutes he tooks a friend kite and I give it to him a Liquid Force DLX ... this was that kid's first attempt in boots...
KSP Mauritius TV show
Kitesurf Pro World Tour kicks off in great style with perfect conditions in Mauritius.
Application for 2012 Speed World Championships open!
We are happy to announce that all interested riders are invited to apply for a starting place in the 2012 Speed World Championships, held in Salines de Giraud (South of France) from July 5 to 15, 2012.
Entry is limited to 43 riders (including 8 women and 3 wildcards). A list of pre-qualified riders (based on Speed Worlds 2009, Luderitz 2010, and Mondial du Vent 2011 results) can be found further below.
To apply for this event, please follow this link
List of pre-qualified riders:
Bila Jérôme (FRA)
Caizergues Alexandre (FRA)
Cambanis Bazil (RSA)
Cattelan Sébastien (FRA)
Consorti Charlotte (FRA)
Delorme André (FRA)
Dessandre Navarre Marie (FRA)
Douglas Rob (USA)
Douglas Jamie (USA)
Douglas Morgan (USA)
Gil Melissa (USA)
Hoceini Sylvain (FRA)
Leroy Damien (USA)
Mascarel Geoffrey (FRA)
Maurin Sylvain (FRA)
Menossi Patrice (FRA)
Prin-Guenon Christophe (FRA)
Routaboul Sophie (FRA)
Salerno Sébastien (FRA)
Williams David (UK)
Caizergues Alexandre (FRA)
Cambanis Bazil (RSA)
Cattelan Sébastien (FRA)
Consorti Charlotte (FRA)
Delorme André (FRA)
Dessandre Navarre Marie (FRA)
Douglas Rob (USA)
Douglas Jamie (USA)
Douglas Morgan (USA)
Gil Melissa (USA)
Hoceini Sylvain (FRA)
Leroy Damien (USA)
Mascarel Geoffrey (FRA)
Maurin Sylvain (FRA)
Menossi Patrice (FRA)
Prin-Guenon Christophe (FRA)
Routaboul Sophie (FRA)
Salerno Sébastien (FRA)
Williams David (UK)
Apr 16, 2012
Italian Racing Championship - First Race
It was not enough bad weather to curb the desire to race the athletes of kiteboarding and the Federal baptism could not be more intense and successful.
The intense disruption that has plagued the entire peninsula, forcing the cancellation of more than just a race, but did not stop the athletes of the class CKI, the president of the Sailing Club "The Dolphins" Scauri Ercole Petraglia and the head judge Federal Babini.
Saturday, April 14, around 14:00, after a heavy rain, the sky has given a respite and entered the West with an intensity greater than 20 knots.The 27 registered athletes have rushed on the competition to kick off in three rounds back to back, with winds increased to nearly 30 knots and has allowed everyone to finish the course within the maximum time.
The races were characterized by a balance between elite athletes with three first places, the Tuscans Vannucci and Santoni and the Roman Beverley, each with different equipment. The result confirms, as was done last year, even as this season continues to surprise.We are beginning to lean out the top ten juniors who are too ready to undermine the dominance of the 2011 champion of the category, the Ancona Calbucci, followed closely by good Tuscan and Neapolitan Chiti Varriale.Only two girls present, an accomplice of the bad weather, the Palermo Piscopo and the ever talented Brunacci which sits in the top ten overall.
The standings after the first rehearsal to first place with Simone Vannucci 6.70 points ahead of Simon and Andrew Beverley Santoni both with 8.70 points, in second and third position.
The intense disruption that has plagued the entire peninsula, forcing the cancellation of more than just a race, but did not stop the athletes of the class CKI, the president of the Sailing Club "The Dolphins" Scauri Ercole Petraglia and the head judge Federal Babini.
Saturday, April 14, around 14:00, after a heavy rain, the sky has given a respite and entered the West with an intensity greater than 20 knots.The 27 registered athletes have rushed on the competition to kick off in three rounds back to back, with winds increased to nearly 30 knots and has allowed everyone to finish the course within the maximum time.
The races were characterized by a balance between elite athletes with three first places, the Tuscans Vannucci and Santoni and the Roman Beverley, each with different equipment. The result confirms, as was done last year, even as this season continues to surprise.We are beginning to lean out the top ten juniors who are too ready to undermine the dominance of the 2011 champion of the category, the Ancona Calbucci, followed closely by good Tuscan and Neapolitan Chiti Varriale.Only two girls present, an accomplice of the bad weather, the Palermo Piscopo and the ever talented Brunacci which sits in the top ten overall.
The standings after the first rehearsal to first place with Simone Vannucci 6.70 points ahead of Simon and Andrew Beverley Santoni both with 8.70 points, in second and third position.

Apr 15, 2012
FLYBOARDS Factory - The making of a Flyboard
A couple of times a year our FLYBOARDS shaper Eddy Lansink travels to our exclusive factory in China where all FLYBOARDS are build, to explore new production techniques, do quality control and setting up the production for all new boards for the coming year. This video shows how this is done step by step and gives you an unique and exclusive look inside our factory.
Apr 14, 2012
World's Fastest Sailor Rob Douglas on Kiteboarding Racing and Speed Sailing
The Kiteboarder Magazine sat down with some of the world's top kiteboarding course racers and designers to talk to them about the direction of course racing and what it means for the sport of kiteboarding.
KTA Thailand 2012 Full Report
Final Wrap-up for the last KTA event counting for the Asian Championship rankings, Kitezone KTA Thailand 2012.
Apr 12, 2012
The land of the Shark
My last trip to South Africa with all the RRD family. Some different spots around Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope and Cape Agulhas (southern tip of Africa) and the land of the white Shark. Abel Lago
Apr 11, 2012
Alex Pastor and Gisela Pulido wins the PKRA France 2012.
Alex Pastor and Gisela Pulido conquered the PKRA France 2012. Alberto Rondina and Karolina Winkowska fisnished in second places and Youri Zoon and Bruna Kajiya in third!!
Apr 10, 2012
The All New SlingShotTurbine
Slingshot’s light wind machine has been tuned. The main gols for 2012 was to make the 2012 Turbine even lighter. To achieve that Slingshot started off with a new bladder material that is 25% lighter, they also reduced the leading edge diameter and introduced a smaller strut size. The wing tips were also improved and Slingy developed a new concept called “free twist tip technology.” Developed to increase the narrow wind range of large kites.
Also new for 2012 is the “forward steering bridle.” Designed for more improved steering, power delivery and adds more support to the wingtips. It’s clean and light to the leading edge to maximize performance and Lightens up the bar pressure. No Pulleys!
Slingshot says it’s the right kite for light winds.
Apr 9, 2012
Naish Ride
In 2012 Naish kiteboarding will have a brand new kite. It is called Ride , is a 2 strut kites and will be Naish entry level model.
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