The First Kiteloop contest 2009 will be organized during the Seat Kitesurf World Cup in Germany 16th / 21th June 2009 in the beautifull place of Sylt. Registration 15th June 2009.
For this event, the prize money will be 8000 euros. Winner Men 3000 euros, Winner Women 1000 euros
Kiteloop Contest : All pro competitors are judging according the new KPWT rules book.
The rider who show the highest engagement, combined with power, speed and clean landing are the ones that should win.
The Kiteloop judging criteria is:
10 points Technical Difficulty considering:
- height (rider above kite)
- risk = likelihood of failure X consequence
- the power kite is delivering at critical points (body inverted, unhooked, etc)
10 points Overall Impression considering :
- innovation
- style
- clean landings
[Source: KPWT]