« No Majesty, it's not a rebellion, it's a revolution » said the Duke De La Rochefoucaud to Louis XVI the day before French Revolution. July 14, 1789...
At the eve of the French National Day, Herve Boure make his revolution now, launching a new website to introduce HB Surfkite, a leading brand dedicated to Strapless Surfkite, without a compromise onperformance or quality of its products. All the boards come without insert because they're designed and build specially for strapless riding.Check out the boards : three sizes with swallow tail to ride in a huge range conditions.
Bonaparte 5'7'' Break the rules.
The UFO in the range which excels in freestyle and light wind. The low rocker and volume distribution make it a rocket to go upwind and catch up too fast sections. Scoop and optimized outline allow craziest tricks and landing thanks to its stability. Compact and wide, the the reactivity of the Bonaparte allows good fun in small conditions with a slashy and playful feeling.Lafayette 5'10'' Time to play.
A modern shape which offers the best performance for surfing and freestyle. Boxy rails allow very fluid rides no matter the conditions. Both smooth and radical, the Lafayette is extremely precise and responds instantly thanks to the light weight construction, big backside air for you!Lafayette 6'10''
A pure surf shape for kite surfing, the board you need to be versatile for travel. Its ideally distributed volume and excellent glide allow you to ride with a smaller kite with bold transitions and low speed landings. Its stability makes it easy to ride without strap. A board for every condition.