Dec 6, 2012

Mystic 2 Face Wave Harness

The 2Face wave harness is co-designed by the Mystic team riders. It is the first harness in the kite market that is a 100% dedicated to wave riding. It is called the '2Face' for its asymmetrical design that has been developed for two types of riders; the 'regular' wave rider and the 'goofy' wave rider. Turn it around a 180 degrees and your 'regular' wave riding harness will be an identical 'goofy' wave riding harness.
A lefthander or a righthander, the harness will provide ultimate freedom when taking them. Our new vision on wave riding!

Technical Features:
Soft neoprene edges
Including knife
Anatomical back support
HP system included
3D contoured neoprene interior
Quick release buckle on closure
Choose your wave approach between goofy or regular
Rotate your harness 180 degrees to change your wave approach
Maximum freedom of movement for waveriding
Specialized sliderbar
Single power leash ring
Pre-shaped belt for easy sliding