Mar 6, 2013

Toby Braeuer : Airtsyle, why this DVD?

Airstyle, why this DVD? It is true, it's a question that came up often in our minds ... as well as another one: why air style?
And then we put aside our sarcastic humour. We have to admit, what make he general public and the peanut gallery do OOOOOOhhhhs and AAAAHHHHhhhs ? Is it the back mobe, or is it the board off pizza toss? Is it the sick press on a slider, or is it the big air with lots of airtime and a triple rotation? If you need more proof, just think of how much noise the Red Bull King of the Air made this year...
Alright, this side of thing can be appealing for a lot of people. Toby Brauer is the king and master of aerial ballet and here he is, answering our questions. Toby, the screen is all yours: