Apparently they have fixed the leaky air cell problem, and by the looks of it have replaced the eyelets on the bottom half of the boot that used to wear through.
I have also noticed they have replaced the "magneato" lace holding ends with regular cheap lace clip things. Im not sure why but it looks cheaper.
Interesting to note is that the watson appears to have less eyelets on the top of the boot, it used to have 3 now it has 2.. im not sure why but i would say in the pictures at least the watson and the shane look so close to being the same boot height and size , its weird.
I also notice they have added some of the crappy material to the watsons that will peel off in salt
Last of all i notice that they have got rid of the bolt on base plate all together... I actually kinda liked the regular bolt on baseplates because you could spin them 180' and it would let you have a couple more cm wider stance. I also think the boots without aircell looked nicer.
I guess this is also i bad thing for scoopers that want to interchange with a synergy baseplate to make 6.5 inch spread because now they can no longer do that.
These are the regular bindings and the limiteds will be comming out later in the year, im not sure what they are doing with those... I have heard rumours of a closed toe Ultra, not sure if its true though.
and Ultra, which you have seen already.