Felix Pivec has a very unique approach to riding. He has managed to master a style that many can not even comprehend attempting: fixed loop, unhooked and strapless.
Riding with no option to de-power the kite makes landing jumps and ploughing through white water very demanding. Surfing unhooked, switch or regular stance, in the critical section of the wave requires a level of precise kite control and technique that has made him well known and respected worldwide.
Despite his fulltime involvement in the R&D of Switch Kites with Bill Hansen and the ongoing Firewire board development, Felix still likes to go hard as often as possible, pushing the absolute limits of this sport.
Inspired by Switch Kites freestyle guru Marc Jacobs, Felix has suffered through countless slams and abrasions, donating more than his fair share of skin to the reef in the process. Finally his efforts have paid off! The sports first 360 handle pass on a strapless surfboard with no chicken loop. Enjoy!