Here's a simple but efficient tutorial to do a strapless back roll. Learn it with Leonardo Loro in 11 pics taken by Humberto Almeida at Wanda Cronulla, Australia :
Find a nice wave.
Just before the jump, flex your knees to get low gravity point. Put your front hand down close to the rail you will grab. Go vertical and face your board against the wind.
Just before the jump, flex your knees to get low gravity point. Put your front hand down close to the rail you will grab. Go vertical and face your board against the wind.
When you're going through the wave, send your kite at 12 o'clock and pull the bar a little bit to start and if you want to get higher put more pressure. Keep your back hand in the middle of the bar.
Once you take off, grab the rail with your front hand and look over your front shoulder : that will start the rotation.
Hold on don't panic, wait until you finish the rotation and spot your landing. At the same time bring your kite bit lower without loosing tension in lines.
Just before the landing let go the rail and pull the bar to land soft.
Always keep your eyes on the landing spot and get ready to the impact.
Try to hit the water with the tail first and use your legs like shock absorber.
Don't be scared, you can do it !